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Big Hug

Frequently Asked Questions

You Ask. We Answer.


Thank you for considering joining our efforts! We are proud to share that a significant portion of your contribution directly supports our cause. At least 50% of your purchase and donation goes to our initiatives, including providing essential items, supporting communities, and collaborating with partner organizations. The other 50% directly pays bills, replenishes products, and expands our apparel and product offering as we grow. We are committed to transparency and ensuring that your generosity makes a meaningful impact where needed most. Your support enables us to create positive change and uplift lives. If you have any specific questions or want more details, don't hesitate to contact us. 

Together, we make a difference!


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) - [U&ME] Support Group


What is the primary mission of [U&ME]?

  • [U&ME] aims to extend a helping hand by meeting people exactly where they are, emphasizing the transformative power of empathy and genuine connection. Our commitment is rooted in understanding and addressing individuals' specific needs to impact lives and communities positively.

Does [U&ME] actively send missionaries?

  • Currently, we do not send anyone anywhere. However, various ways exist to support our work, including volunteering and sponsoring specific projects.

Does [U&ME] partner with other organizations?

  • Yes, we collaborate with various organizations, fostering partnerships to maximize the effectiveness of our mission efforts and expand our reach.

Can I sponsor a specific mission or project?

  • Absolutely! [U&ME] offers opportunities for individuals or groups to sponsor specific missions or projects aligned with their interests and values.

How does [U&ME] measure the impact of its missions?

  • We employ various assessment tools and feedback mechanisms, collaborating with local communities to measure and continually improve the impact of our missions.

Can I support [U&ME] through prayer?

  • Yes, indeed! Prayer is crucial to our mission, providing spiritual support and strength for our ongoing efforts.

Are there online or remote volunteering opportunities with [U&ME]?

  • Absolutely! [U&ME] offers virtual volunteering opportunities for individuals who want to contribute remotely and support our mission initiatives.

How can I stay updated on [U&ME]'s activities and projects?

  • Stay connected by following us on social media, subscribing to our newsletter, or checking our website regularly for the latest updates on our missions and projects.

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